
The Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 UA, with over 6,000 members, is one of the largest straight-line plumbing locals in the United Association (UA) International Union who represents 350,000+ building tradesmen across the United States and Canada.

UA Local 130 Funds Office

Life Changing Events
Any of the following events requires Participants and/or dependents to send the proper associated documentation to the Welfare Fund office (Links Below):


  1. Copy of Marriage certificate
  2. Benefits Enrollment Form - For Members, Spouses and Dependents to Age 26
  3. Plumbers Local 130 COB Inquiry Form
  4. Beneficiary Designation Form (Death Benefit)

Divorce or Legal Separation

  1. Copy of Divorce decree or Court Order
  2. Beneficiary Designation Form (Death Benefit)


  1. Copy of Child’s birth Certificate
  2. Copy of Social Security Card
  3. Benefits Enrollment Form - For Members, Spouses and Dependents to Age 26
  4. Beneficiary Designation Form (Death Benefit)
  5. Plumbers Local 130 COB Inquiry Form

Termination of Spouse’s primary insurance

  • Letter of Termination from Primary insurance

New employment of spouse

Change of address

All Forms/Documentation

All Welfare Fund forms need to be faxed to : (312) 226-7285