
The Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 UA, with over 6,000 members, is one of the largest straight-line plumbing locals in the United Association (UA) International Union who represents 350,000+ building tradesmen across the United States and Canada.


7 Member Benefits:
Improving Work Conditions for
Members and their Families
UA Local 130 Funds Office

Top News

Our Services
Our professional team works for your Benefit Plans.
Health and Welfare

Participants have access to one of the best health and welfare plans in the construction industry.


Local Union 130 offers one of the most comprehensive and beneficial pension plans in the construction industry.

Retirement Savings

The Retirement Savings Fund is a Defined Contribution Plan provided to all UA Local 130 members.


Members Benefiting

What We Do
Plumbers and Technical Engineers Local 130 UA Benefit Funds

In today’s changing economy, workers are constantly looking for ways to improve their benefits and working conditions. Being a part of the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 UA achieves these goals.

Here are just a few of the many advantages that Local 130 members enjoy:

  • Plumbers’ Welfare Fund - Provides a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, prescription drug, vision, hearing and HRA benefits to Active and Retired participants and their dependents.

  • Plumbers’ Pension Fund - A Defined Benefit Plan that is designed to provide its participants with the necessary income security to enjoy their retirement years.

  • Retirement Savings Fund – A Defined Contribution Plan (Annuity Plan) that is designed to supplement your monthly income during your retirement years. In addition to hourly contributions from your employer, you can make elective 401K deferrals to your annuity account as well.

Local 130 UA
Member Assistance - Information you need to know

As a participant in the Welfare Fund, you and your family members have access to counseling, support services, and resources available through the Member Assistance Program (MAP). These service include:

Marital and family counseling

Job-related Stress Management

In person counseling